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This component uses custom JavaScript to open and close. Custom attributes and additional custom JavaScript is added to this component to make it accessible.

Inside this component, there is an embed block that contains all of the custom code needed for this accordion to function.

Inside this component, there is an embed block that contains all of the custom code needed for this accordion to function.

Inside this component, there is an embed block that contains all of the custom code needed for this accordion to function.

Inside this component, there is an embed block that contains all of the custom code needed for this accordion to function.

Inside this component, there is an embed block that contains all of the custom code needed for this accordion to function.

Inside this component, there is an embed block that contains all of the custom code needed for this accordion to function.

Inside this component, there is an embed block that contains all of the custom code needed for this accordion to function.

Inside this component, there is an embed block that contains all of the custom code needed for this accordion to function.

Inside this component, there is an embed block that contains all of the custom code needed for this accordion to function.